Employees’ Remuneration and Performance in Nigerian Breweries PLC
This Study Aimed At Assessing The Effects Employees’ Remunerations On Productivity In The In Nigerian Breweries Plc. This Study Was Guided by three research objectives namely; to identify and discuss various forms of remuneration package in use, to examine the effects of remuneration packages on employees performance and to establish the relationship between improved remuneration and productivity in the Nigeria breweries. The study used descriptive research design. The population of this study consists of all staff working at the Nigerian Breweries PLC Ibadan. Sample of one hundred and twenty respondents were selected. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents. The descriptive statistics employed include; frequencies and percentage and the relationship between independent and dependent variables were established using Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficient with the use of (SPSS). The findings were presented using tables and figures. From the findings in the Hypothesis, the r= 0.509** was obtained. This is significant as the p-value greater than 0.05. This shows that there was a significant relationship between remuneration packages’ and employee performance. The findings also revealed that quick payment of remuneration has great influence on employees’ productivity. The study concluded that remuneration package such as overtime, constant remuneration payment, promotes morale and increase team cohesion. From this finding, it was recommended that, organization should continue providing security benefits to all employees, as it will positively influence employee productivity and raise overall performance in the all sectors. The study also recommends that the organization should continue providing health protection benefits to its employees since it will help them create a sense of loyalty and encourage their productivity in the economic sector. Organizations, especially Breweries PLC should review the current retirement package since a good retirement package will attract and retain employees in the organization and also improve their productivity.
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