Institutional Governance and Its Role in Reducing Financial and Administrative Corruption in Islamic Banks Operating in The City of Hebron

  • Raed Abueid Al-Quds Open University,Palestine
  • Alaa Shawar Al-Quds Open University,Palestine
  • Ayat Khmaisah Al-Quds Open University,Palestine
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Financial Corruption, Administrative Corruption, Islamic Banks


The aim of this research is to identify the institutional governance and its role in reducing financial and administrative corruption in Islamic banks operating in the city of Hebron, and a questionnaire has been built to answer the study questions, as it was distributed to all workers in Islamic banks operating in the city of Hebron. The study concluded that Corporate governance has a major role in reducing financial and administrative corruption in Islamic banks operating in the city of Hebron, due to the Board’s enjoyment of competence, competence, independence, and integrity, as well as because Islamic banks maintain independent, impartial and effective auditing systems that achieve compliance with what Enhanced disclosure and transparency. The study recommended that the standards of corporate governance be strengthened in reducing financial and administrative corruption by activating the role of oversight within banks through seminars and training necessary to qualify employees in banks, and that banks support independent, fair and effective auditing systems to achieve compliance during the performance of activities Banking.

Author Biographies

Raed Abueid, Al-Quds Open University,Palestine

Accounting Department

Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences

Al-Quds Open University

Hebron Branch, Palestine

 E-mail: [email protected]

Alaa Shawar, Al-Quds Open University,Palestine

Accounting Department

Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences

Al-Quds Open University

Hebron Branch, Palestine


Ayat Khmaisah, Al-Quds Open University,Palestine

Accounting Department

Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences

Al-Quds Open University

Hebron Branch, Palestine



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How to Cite
Abueid, R., Shawar, A., & Khmaisah, A. (2020). Institutional Governance and Its Role in Reducing Financial and Administrative Corruption in Islamic Banks Operating in The City of Hebron. International Journal of Shari’ah and Corporate Governance Research, 3(1), 5-16.
Research Paper/Theoretical Paper/Review Paper/Short Communication Paper