Cyber-Physical Systems are next-generation digital systems that focus on the intricate connections and integration between the physical and digital worlds. These systems have highly integrated physical, communication, control, and computing components. The study's purpose is to carry out a bibliometric analysis to explore the research trends, collaboration network, and thematic evaluation of papers on cyber-physical systems. The most prolific countries, authors, sources, highest citations received by authors, and co-occurrences in this research domain were identified. The bibliometric analysis method was employed to empirically analyze the research on CPS in architecture published between 2007 and 2022 in the Web of Science database. All retrieved records were initially filtered by excluding 364 non–non-peer-reviewed publications and another type of languages except English. After that, we excluded 8 records based on the criteria and scope, and again excluded records for duplicates 12 records. Finally, 1336 records met the eligibility criteria. The VOS viewer and biblioshiny software was used to construct the scientific maps. A total of 1336 publications were analyzed. The study results show that the highly cited papers have been published in 297 journals by 4520 authors from 1483 organizations in 83 countries. The most prolific journal was IEEE Access, with 104 publications, 3823 citations, and an h-index of 24. The number of documents progressively increased from 2010 to 2021. Further, 2009 has no publications, and the largest number of articles was published in 2021 (n=272). Furthermore, China led the way with the most publications, active organizations, prolific authors, and international collaborations. This is the first study to look at the global trends in research on CPS in architecture and provides valuable guidelines and motivations for further research. Future studies may also examine the main hazards connected with using cyber-physical systems to manage operations across various industries and sectors.
JEL Classification Codes: Q01, Q56, C63.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Sujin Butdisuwan, Hanan Zaffar, Mohammad Amees, Md. Shariful Islam

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