Insurgence and National Security in Nigeria: A Focus on Boko Haram
The contemporary Nigeria has become a theatre of genocide, bloodshed and insecurity over the past years due to the carnage activities of terrorist groups. Terrorists of various groups and camps unleash havoc on the Nigerian populace. Though these groups are numerous, one of the most noticeable and deadly group is Boko Haram. This paper attempts to investigate if this group is one of the major security challenges confronting Nigeria today. The result reveals that a number of factors, including bad governance and religious and political manipulations, and the long and porous borders of Nigeria promote Boko Haram activities. As such, there is significant relationship between Boko Haram insurgency and national security in Nigeria. This paper recommends that at all levels of government, governance should be taken as a serious business especially in the area of provision of security and public goods such as improved infrastructure and the creation of the enabling environment needed for investment that would in turn creation opportunities for employments which will lead to reduction in poverty.
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