Comparing the Applications of Management Accounting between Vietnamese Public Universities by the Degree of Autonomy
This study was conducted based on a survey of 53 public universities in Vietnam to evaluate the applications of management accounting in universities according to the following metrics: (i) Cost classification; (ii) Conducting and evaluating budgets; (iii) Management responsibility; and (iv) Using information to make short-term and long-term decisions. The results showed that public universities have some interest in management accounting information, especially responsibility accounting. However, management accounting information which has not been used much in Vietnamese universities includes controllable and uncontrollable costs and variance analysis between actual results and estimates. Regarding the degree of autonomy, fully or partially autonomous universities tend to apply management accounting more than non-autonomous universities in terms of the cost per student, the fees for repeat classes, and management responsibility. The research results showed the need to use management accounting information when universities increase their autonomy.
JEL Classification: M40, M41, M49.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Oanh Thi Tu LE ,Phong Thi Thu Tran

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