Keywords: Virtual Banking, Gratification, Kano Model, Marketing Research Theory.


The purpose of the present research paper is to understand the research questions related to M-banking. It is the time call to take up Virtual Banking (VB) with Zero Contact Banking (ZCB) as a preventive measure to COVID-19. The study also admits the comparative analysis on the gratification of M-banking users considering factors/attributes of the Kano Model. The researcher has undertaken Integrative Approach (IA) for both, related to literature reviewed and survey so far observed. Both primary data through well-structured questionnaires from 900 M-banking users of SBI, HDFC, and Citi Bank (300 from each) and secondary data from published sources have been cantered and cited to understand the syntactic research gap. The researcher has followed Stratified Random Sampling for sample banks considering the date of establishment, volume and value of M-banking transactions, number of employees, and Convenient Random Sampling for M-banking users, to make the sample representative. The objectives were studied thoroughly and hypotheses were tested in SPSS. The researcher has used Kolmogorov-Smirnov (D-Statistic) and Shapiro-Wilk test (W-Statistic) to test data normality, Cronbachs’ Alpha to test Data Reliability, Descriptive Statistics i.e. frequency and per cent count to describe data and Chi-square to measure significant associations and differences if any. The researcher has drawn an epilogue purely on the basis of data collection and analysis. The researcher has conducted Pearson’s Product Movement Correlation, to suggest a correlation on Y-intercept Model to show an association between volume and value of M-banking transactions of SBI, HDFC, and Citi Bank and suggested a model fit to regression equation. This paper gives a unique insight into KANO model.

JEL Classification Codes: A1, A30, C1, G17, Y8.

Author Biographies

Bhadane Jaywant

Head of Department, Economics/Banking, KRA College, Deola, Nasik, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India

Rajiv Nayan

Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, India

Gaikar Vilas Bhau

Professor, Dept. of Economics, Smt. CHM. College, Ulhasnagar, University of Mumbai, India

Kanwal Jeet Singh

Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, India

Joshi Bharat

Department of Commerce, K. P. B. Hinduja College of Commerce, Mumbai, India


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How to Cite
Jaywant, B., Nayan, R., Bhau, G. V., Singh, K. J., & Bharat, J. (2023). INDIAN MOBILE BANKING IN POST COVID-19: AN ANALYTICAL STUDY AND GRATIFICATION FROM THE ASPECT OF KANO MODEL. Indian Journal of Finance and Banking, 13(1), 12-27.
Research Paper/Theoretical Paper/Review Paper/Short Communication Paper