Keywords: Self-Employed, Entrepreneurs, Investment Pattern.


This study connotes the influence of demographical factors on the behavior of two categories of investors especially when they are pre-occupied with commitments and constraints. It also includes the subsequent effects on their risk appetite.  It focuses on the fact that investors are not always rational in nature, have limits to their self-control and are influenced by their own limitations and bounded knowledge. This study is a comparative study between the Investment pattern of Self-Employed and Entrepreneurs. For the purpose of Study, we have taken 100 samples from Start-up entrepreneurs and Self-Employed. The Data used in the study are both primary and secondary. Using random Sampling technique, the responses were collected and analyzed using graphs and tables. Many developments were seen during the analysis. The analysis was carried by connecting the factors which are influential on one another and Chi-Square Test tools were utilized. Overall, the study has given new perspectives of the Financial Behavior of both Self-Employed and Entrepreneur which can further be analyzed by expanding the scope of the study and samples collected. There is still lot of scope to study and research in the area for contributing to the field of Behavioral Finance with various biases influencing the investing behavior.

JEL Classification Codes: G40, G41.

Author Biographies

Kannadas Sendilvelu, SDM- IMD

Assistant Professor of Accounting and Finance, SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysuru, India-570011

Manita Deepak Shah, JU

Professor and Associate Dean, Jain (Deemed to be) University, Bengaluru, India-560069


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How to Cite
Sendilvelu, K., & Shah, M. D. (2021). A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON INVESTMENT PATTERN OF SELF-EMPLOYED & START-UP ENTREPRENEURS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO PAN INDIA. Indian Journal of Finance and Banking, 5(2), 62-84. https://doi.org/10.46281/ijfb.v5i2.1025
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