Development of Bangladesh through SMEs Financing: A Case Study on IDLC Finance Limited
SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) are very much crucial for the overall development of the economy. Several banks and other non-banking financial institutions are now concentrating on this sector very actively. Industrial Development Leasing Company (IDLC) of Bangladesh Limited started its operation in the year 1985 as the pioneer leasing company to facilitate lease-financing and capital investment in the industrial sector. Over the years, the company has evolved itself as a multi-product non-banking financial institution providing a wide range of products and services. Over the last two decades, IDLC has contributed relentlessly to the country’s transition into a developing country and has emerged as Bangladesh’s leading multi-product financial institution. The company now offers a multitude of diverse financial services and solutions to both institutional and individual clients to cater to their unique requirements. In this research paper, I have tried to focus on various roles and aspects of SMEs banking. The product and service offered for the SMEs clients, portfolio structure of the SMEs banking, marketing strategy for the SMEs clients, and the total credit operation of the SMEs banking by IDLC Finance are covered through this research.
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